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Tree removal laws & permits Jacksonville FL
Yes, you can remove trees from your yard in Jacksonville, but only if your property or tree meets certain conditions. Any tree service in Jacksonville attempting to remove a tree that is protected without a permit will be fined along with the homeowner. Fines can vary but generally start at $10,000 per offense.

Under what conditions can I remove a tree on my property?
a. Any tree with a trunk diameter of 6 inches or more as measured at breast height.
b. Trees on a single-family or individual lot
c. Any pine or palm tree within 20 feet of the street right-of-way or 10 feet of property lines. (Cabbage palm or Ling leaf pine must not be removed as they are protected)
d. Dead trees
e. Any tree posing imminent danger to public health and safety.
f. exempt trees (listed below)
The following trees are exempted from the above provisions (but you much apply for a permit to be eligible for the exemption. A Permit application fee of $25 is payable when applying.)
removing any tree on your property is illegal if it is not exempt or you do not have a permit.
Exempt trees
Trees can be removed no matter what their size or condition as they are considered a pest in your city. The above-listed conditions do not apply.
Pond willow (Salix caroliniana)
Chinese Tallow (Sapium sebiferum)
Paper Mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera)
Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora)
Chinaberry (Melia azedarach)
Wax Myrtle (Myrica cerifera)
Golden Raintree (Koelreuteria bipinnata)
Cherry laurel (Prunus caroliniana)
Tree protection Ordinance Jacksonville FL
Tree removal permit application form Jacksonville FL
Tree removal laws & permits Jacksonville Beach FL
No person shall engage in site clearing or cut down, remove, damage, or destroy any tree in Jacksonville Beach without first obtaining a permit.

Exemptions to the above rule
In general, if a tree is dead or poses an immediate safety risk to persons or property, that tree can be removed by a certified arborist.
Exemptions to site clearing and tree protection standards.
The following protected trees are exempt from the site clearing and tree protection requirements of section 34-424(a):
(1) Any of the following species or subspecies of trees are not protected trees under this division:
Pine, except cedar trees.
Palm trees (unless planted to meet a requirement of an approved landscape plan.)
(2) Any of the following species or subspecies of trees are not protected trees under this division and may be removed, provided that a permit is first obtained and the species type is verified by inspection before its removal:
Exempt trees
Trees can be removed no matter what their size or condition as they are considered a pest in your city. The above-listed conditions do not apply.
Australian pine – Casuarina cunninghamiana
Australian pine – Thicket casuarina glauca
Bischofia – Bischofia javanica
Brazilian pepper – Schinus terebinthifolius
Camphor tree – Cinnamomum camphora
Carolina laurelcherry – Prunus caroliniana
Carrotwood – Cupaniopsis anacardioides
Castor bean – Ricinus communis
Catclaw mimosa – Mimosa pigra
Chinaberry tree – Melia azedarach
Chinese tallow – Sapium sebiferum
Chinese wisteria – Wisteria sinensis
Climbing cassia – Senna pendula
Earleaf acacia – acacia auriculiformis
Guava – Psidium guajava
Jambolan – Syzygium cimini
Laurel fig – Ficus microcarpa
Lead tree – Leucaena leucocephala
Melaleuca tree – Melaleuca quinquenervia
Mimosa tree – Albizia julibrissin
Orchid tree – Bauhinia variegata
Schefflera – Schefflera actinophylla
Seaside mahoe – Thespesia populnea
Shoebutton ardisia – Ardisia elliptica
Strawberry guava – Psidium cattleianum
Woman’s tongue – Albizia lebbeck
Tree removal permit application form Jacksonville FL
11 North Third Street | Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
City Hall Hours: Mon. through Fri. 8 AM – 5 PM
Tree removal laws & permits Neptune Beach FL
You cannot remove or prune a tree in Neptune Beach City without first obtaining a permit from the city. This is due to tree removal laws outlined in the Tree Preservation ordinance below.
To apply for a permit is actually quick and easy, just download the permit application form (link below) and submit it and pay the fee. You should get an answer within a couple of weeks.
Once a permit has been obtained, you will be required to use an arborist to remove your tree.

Tree removal permit application form Neptune Beach FL
116 First Street Neptune Beach, Florida 32266-6140
(904) 270-2400 Ext 4 FAX (904) 270-2432