There’s no need for concern if you observe a tree dropping its leaves. It’s a normal occurrence for some types of trees, referred to as deciduous trees, as a way to save resources. Trees might also lose their leaves as a reaction to pest infestations or harsh environmental conditions. Furthermore, a curable disease might be responsible for a tree appearing without leaves.
Just because a tree has no leaves does not mean that it is dead. The tree may be dormant due to seasonal weather1 changes. It may also be suffering from some form of distress. The lack of leaves may also be a symptom of a serious disease.
However, this does not mean that all cases of a tree’s lack of leaves are salvageable. A tree shedding its leaves is a common sign of a tree that is in the process of dying. In such a case, even with your best effort, you may not be able to save the tree.

What we cover
ToggleWhat is the latest time of year a tree leaf’s in?
Early November is the latest time trees around the country shed their leaves — the latest leaf in time. As for the latest time they start producing their leaves, it is usually around mid-May. However, it is important to note that extreme changes in weather conditions can sometimes affect the leafing-in and leafing-out periods.

Why is my tree not leafing out?
Your tree may not be leafing out because it is a deciduous tree lying dormant while it waits for winter to pass. Such a tree typically goes to rest when it gets really cold to protect itself. It sheds leaves as a way to minimize moisture loss. It also does so to minimize the strain on existing resources, as not having leaves will mean that it will need fewer resources to survive. Going dormant is also an effective way for such a tree to minimize the risks of pest infestations or physical injury resulting from extreme weather.
In such a case, waiting for the seasons to change will solve the leafing problem, as the tree will start to “come back to life” as soon as it gets warmer. Therefore, you won’t have to do anything to get the tree to start producing leaves again.
Since some diseases and pest infestations have the effect of causing a tree to not only shed its leaves but also keep it from leafing, this may be the problem with your tree. For example, verticillium wilt2 is a fungus that usually affects maples. In addition to causing a maple’s trunk to develop streaks, it also causes leafing problems.
If a pest infestation or a disease is responsible for your tree’s leafing problems, treating it with the appropriate pesticide or medicine will resolve its leafing problems. However, treatment is only successful in cases where you intervene early on before the tree is too far gone. Therefore, administering the right treatment as soon as you notice the early symptoms of such a disease is always advisable.
Your tree may be having trouble leafing because it is dead or dying. A tree that is dying can no longer sustain any biological activity. This includes producing leaves and buds.

Is my tree dead or dormant?
The easiest and most effective way to know whether your tree is dead or dormant is to use the snap and scratch techniques.
The snap technique involves taking a pencil-sized twig off the tree and then trying to snap it by bending it backward. If the tree is just dormant, the twig won’t just snap into two. It will be more pliable. It will also reveal a center that is moist. However, if it snaps easily and reveals a tan or brown center, then chances are that it is dead.
In addition to the snap technique, you should also use the scratch test. To conduct this test, you will need a knife. Your nails can also work in cases where the tree doesn’t have a thick bark. Simply scratch the bark with either the knife or your fingernails. If the tree reveals green growth underneath, then the tree is simply dormant. On the other hand, if on scratching you find brown wood underneath, then the tree is either dead or dying and might need removal.

Can a tree survive with no leaves?
Yes, a tree can survive with no leaves. Deciduous trees do so on a seasonal basis, without any problem, as a way to conserve their energy and minimize the risks of infestation or injury.
However, there is usually a limitation as to the amount of time that it can do without them. This is mainly because a tree’s leaves are essential to its ability to produce food. Not having left for an extended period will lead to the tree having to go without food, and this will eventually lead to its starving out and dying off.
Furthermore, some tree species are not as adapted as deciduous trees. For these trees, going for months without leaves can be enough to cause them to die.

What is the scratch test?
A scratch test is a test that is typically used to determine whether a tree is dead or dormant. The test involves scratching a tree’s back with one’s nails or with a knife. If on scratching the back one sees a green covering and moist pulp, then the tree is simply lying dormant even if it does not have any leaves. However, if all that one sees is brown wood that is drying out, then chances are that the tree is dying, or it is already dead.

What if half the tree has no leaves?
If half of your tree does not have leaves, it is a sign that the tree is in the process of dying3. This is so especially if the leafing problem seems to be progressing.
Half a tree having no leaves is common in cases where the tree is under a pest infestation. a disease that is slowly spreading and killing the tree can also cause this effect. In some cases, physical trauma such as injury to a tree’s roots during a construction project can also cause part of the tree to lose half its leaves.
Therefore, if half the tree has no leaves, it means that there is a problem that is possibly getting worse. Since the other parts of the tree seem to be unaffected, chances are that there is still hope of saving the tree. This may involve administering treatments and medicines. In some cases cutting off the affected parts may be necessary in order to save the tree.

When is a tree considered dead?
A tree is considered dead when it can no longer absorb moisture and nutrients. In this state, it can no longer produce food or support any of the processes that are essential to its survival.
Common signs of a dead or dying tree include the lack of bark, fungal growth on a tree’s trunk, brown and dry limbs that are falling off, a leaning trunk, and the lack of foliage. To be certain that your tree isn’t just dormant, performing a scratch test is always recommended.

- Catherine Boeckmann, (2024) When Do the Seasons Start and End? <> Accessed: 23-02-2024
- Brian Hudelson, (2013) Verticillium Wilt of Trees and Shrubs. <> Accessed: 23-02-2024
- Virginia Williams, (2023) How Do You Decide When to Remove a Tree? <> Accessed: 23-02-2024