When to Call s Lawn Care Professional vs DIY

arborist vs diy

Anyone who values their independence and learning something new will no doubt think about enacting their own solution when household maintenance goes wrong.

It can save us money if we learn how to apply DIY solutions with power tools, and it might even let us immediately fix the issue should it ever reoccur in the future. Moreover, a job well done feels great to complete, as you feel a little more rounded as a homeowner.

Yet in some cases, it’s really not a good idea to apply your own solution, unless you’re an active and licensed professional in that space. Messing with your electricity circuit is a terrible idea, simply because these are not systems you mess around with if lacking professional capabilities. The same goes for replacing a garage door chain, or messing with the fundamentals of your plumbing – these examples can put you in harm’s way at worst, or damage your home at best.

Believe it or not, a garden isn’t always a place you should interfere with either. In this post, we’ll discuss when you should call a lawn care professional, or when you should resolve the issue personally:

Landscaping Issues or Foundational Shifts

It is not always obvious when a garden problem is more than just a small inconvenience, but if you notice the ground shifting, cracking, or dipping in certain areas, that could be a sign of something deeper happening beneath the surface. A lot of the time is can be caused by tree roots. If left unchecked these can cause damage to driveways, home foundations and stormwater pipes.

If these issues are left unattended, they can cause long-term problems, and in extreme cases, they might even affect the foundation of your home. That is why getting a professional opinion can be the best course of action, as someone with experience in soil stability and structural landscaping can help you figure out what is happening and how to address it.

Water Runoff Alterations

It might seem simple to redirect water if it is pooling in the wrong areas of your garden, as digging a trench or creating a drainage channel might feel like an easy weekend project, but water movement can sometimes be more complicated than it looks.

A professional can assess how water naturally moves through your garden and offer possibilities that will not create new issues down the line, such as installing proper drainage systems, grading the land correctly, or adding materials that help water absorb at a healthier rate. This way you can avoid the worry about making a mistake. However, if the fix is simple, like putting a rain garden in place, that can be a good alternative.

Pest Control Issues

A few insects on your plants are usually nothing to worry about, and there are treatments for some pests. Some bugs are even beneficial because they can help with pollination or keeping other pests under control, yet when a less-than-helpful infestation begins to spread, it can quickly get out of hand. Certain pests like termites and cockroaches are difficult to manage with store-bought treatments.

Larger problems, such as rodents or invasive species like that, also require a careful approach. In these cases, a professional can figure out the best solution for your specific problem and help prevent it from returning. They will also have access to methods that are more effective than standard over the counter treatments, which means the problem will be handled at the root rather than just on the surface.

Tree Health Management

Trimming a few branches is something most people can do, but when a tree starts showing signs of disease or damage, you could be in harm’s way.

Trees can develop issues from storm damage, bad pruning, or root system problems that are not always easy to detect at first glance unless you really know what you’re looking for. If a tree becomes unstable, it can easily be a safety risk, especially if it is close to a house, fence, or walkway, or if you have kids playing in your garden or elderly relatives there.

Removing large limbs or cutting down a tree entirely is not as straightforward as it seems either, as if it’s done incorrectly, it can lead to property damage or even personal injury. This is where bringing a tree surgeon in can be worth your time and sort an issue for good.

With this advice, you’re sure to know when to bring in a lawn-care or associated professional for your garden, and when you can give the job a try on your own.